Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Back from Accidental Hiatus

Adventure is found by anyone willing to perceive its existence.  And I'm afraid I haven't been a very good adventurer of late, and therefore haven't blogged in a while. I've really begun to settle in and forge stronger relationships with my friends and classmates, and life is turning much more normal as I fill my weekends with hangouts and homework, and spend the week days on homework and cursing the ever-shortening days. All-in-all, very normal behavior for a sun-worshipping teenaged student such as myself.

But in actuality I should look at daily life as an adventure, especially since I'm a kid living in a foreign country. For Halloween last week I tried to buy the affection of my classmates with pumpkin and ghost-shaped sugar cookies that I had to shape by hand because there weren't any halloween cookie cutters. Just yesterday I cranked out a 230 word essay in french class for the writing test. The assignment was to write a 270-word objective description of an image provided, and, although 40 words short, I feel like I did fairly well. I spent the period frantically flipping through my dictionary and Bescherelle, trying to form coherent similes and personifications, as was directed. Perhaps I'm just becoming more accustomed to the weird things that happen as an exchange student, and am taking them more in stride.

My mommy is coming to visit me next week, something I'm wicked excited for. We're going to have a huge Thanksgiving feast for the whole family and some friends. I can't wait to show her my life here and have a few adventures ourselves.

So, in short, I will try to be a better adventurer and update more often, and I'm sure many upcoming events will prove bloggable..

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